What is CrossFit?

By definition CrossFit is “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movements.” Constantly varied means it is different every day. You will rarely see the same work out. This keeps you well-rounded and challenges you mentally and physically. You will never become bored and your body is constantly adapting. High intensity is doing the work out quickly. This helps you increase your power and speed. It helps you lose weight and become fit. You push yourself to your highest level each workout. We scale or modify every workout so it’s tailored to each individual. Functional movements are natural movements, they mimic movements you do in every day life. Examples are carrying groceries, picking up a baby, and getting out of bed. CrossFit’s goal is to help you get physically fit to complete your normal Daily tasks. It is a mixture of aerobic exercise, body weight exercises and Olympic weightlifting. Crossfit is effective because of its attention on elements of load, distance and speed, which helps you develop high levels of power. There are 10 physical skills that CrossFit helps you develop: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. These not only will improve your health but also your day-to-day life, including any other fitness/sports you do. All CrossFit classes are group classes run by a coach. They begin with a warm-up that includes functional movements, stretching and mobility work. Then we work on a skill/strength. This includes instruction and demonstration of the skill in the work out. Scaling options are always gone over during this time. The WOD Or workout of the day usually last between 15 and 20 minutes. Class ends with a cool down and stretching. The typical CrossFit class last about one hour. Here at Crossfit Village gym we are here to help you meet all of your fitness goals. Drop in anytime to try out a class for free!

Short video Explaining what CrossFit is and how exciting it is to become part of the CrossFit family.


A video explaining what constantly varied, functional movements in high intensity mean in Crossfit.


An awesome video explaining what happens in the box, and the power of the affiliate.


The CrossFit training guide goes into detail of everything Crossfit!


Miriam Blake, Co-Owner of CrossFit Village Gem