Commonly Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start?

It cannot be any more simple, stop in to any class for a free session. You can also call us and we can set up a free consultation or sample class so you can see if we are a good fit for you. If you have never done CrossFit it is preferred for us to set up a time to give you a fundamentals class, 1:1, with a coach. Please give us a call: 772-774-7575.

We are located on Village Green off of US1 by the new Crosstown Bridge.

Address: 1562 SE Village Dr. Port St. Lucie Fl, 34952

Class times

Is CrossFit for me? Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?

CrossFit is for all ages, all abilities, and all backgrounds. CrossFit is for all fitness levels. Every workout can be tailored or scaled to your ability. As you become more fit the workout will become more challenging. Most of our members are ordinary people from all walks of life, not the kind of CrossFitters you see on TV!

I’ve never done Olympic Weightlifting, is this a good place to start?

Yes. At CrossFit Village Gem, we have a highly supportive environment that is nonjudgmental. Our coaches will give instructions for each movement every class and make sure you stay safe. Safety is a top priority. You must be able to do the movement correctly before adding weight.

Am I too old for CrossFit?

No! You are never too old forCrossFit. If you are older and have never exercised you still will be able to do CrossFit, you may just not be able to keep up with the 20 year olds. Keep in mind that all workouts can be tailored specifically to what you can do. CrossFit is about being the best you and making your daily life tasks easier.

How much is a membership?

We have a variety of flexible choices, but CrossFit’s value can not be determined by numbers alone. Come in for a free sample class or class us so we can discuss options. Invest in your health. You only have one body and it’s yours to take care of. Your membership includes unlimited classes including Fit Camp/Boot Camp, Open Gym, Yoga, Educational Sessions, Nutrition help and CrossFit with more to come.

Can I bring my kids to class?

Yes. Although we do not have child care you may bring your children. It is your responsibility to monitor and make sure your kids are safe. In the future we will have CrossFit kids classes. At this time if your child is able to follow directions they may participate and work out with you.

Will I get bulky if I do CrossFit?

This is a common fear for women when starting CrossFit. To get huge muscles you have to lift very heavy weights often. You have to also eat to support that. The CrossFit athletes you see on TV train many hours a day to be able to do what they do. Our program is designed to help you lose weight and gain lean muscle mass. For the men- if you want to put on a large amount of muscle mass that’s possible also. The wonderful thing about CrossFit is it can be tailored to meet your goals.

Is CrossFit dangerous?

It can be. But so can riding a bike, playing soccer, or driving a car. Here at CrossFit Village Gem our priority is safety. A good rule is to never sacrifice form for finishing a workout faster. Our coaches will correct your form during the workout making sure you are safe. CrossFit becomes addictive and attracts a certain type of person that sometimes can push themselves past normal limits. It is important to listen to your body. At CrossFit Village Gem we will motivate you but not push you to the extreme. Form is key to prevent injury. There are 3 basic concepts: mechanics, consistency and intensity. You must first learn to do the movements safely and consistently before we vary the intensity. It is important to listen to your body.

I have an injury, can I still do CrossFit?

Yes. We are competent to work around your existing injuries to get you results without putting you at more risk. When you fear working out and stop, it leads to you becoming deconditioned, weak, and more at risk for injury.

What is scaling?

Scaling means adjusting the workout and intensity to your level. This means using lighter weigh or no weight, less reps of an exercise, or modifying the exercise to fit you and your ability.

Will I be judged if I scale?

No. Almost every athlete modifies in some way. Everyone in the gym will cheer you on to complete your workout. CrossFit has a way of bringing everyone together and motivating you to be the best you.

What do I bring to class?

Wear comfortable workout clothes and shoes, bring a water bottle and towel if needed. If you are joining one of our yoga classes bring a yoga mat if you have one.

I want to bring a friend. Is that ok?

We would love for you to share your love of CrossFit with someone. Let us know if you want to bring someone and we can get that set up easily. Come early so they can sign a waiver. Warn them that CrossFit is highly addictive!

What does a CrossFit box have to offer that regular gyms do not. Why does CrossFit cost more than regular gyms?

At CrossFit boxes you are in a small group class. The coach assists every single person every time. The workout is different every time and you will not get bored. Our coaches are experienced and understand the movements well. The average gym goer does not have the experience or motivation to have high quality results at a regular gym without the cost of a personal trainer. If you participate in a class at CrossFit Village Gem the coaches give the same attention to each client as would a personal trainer at another gym. Typical gyms require you to sign a year or two contract, CrossFit Village Gem does not. At CrossFit boxes you will receive high quality training and a far greater chance of success. We are more than just a gym, we are a community that treats you like family. If you want to walk on a treadmill for a short time, lift a few weights, leave unnoticed and not sweaty then a regular gym is for you, not CrossFit. There is a reason CrossFit has become popular- it works!

I want to do my own thing, is that ok?

Yes, we have open gym times. A coach is there during those times but no class going on. The coach is there to help you if needed. It is a great time members to work on specific movements in which they want to improve on with the guidance of one of our coaches.

Where can I find a description of the exercises prescribed in the WOD (Workout of the Day)?

At CrossFit Village Gem we go over the exercises and movements in detail. If you want to do your homework prior to coming to the box you can always look them up on the internet or ask another member who has become with CrossFit. There are videos created by CrossFit to explain in detail the movements. Once you become a member you will have access to Wodify, which gives you access to our workouts. You are able to record your results and track your progress.

What should I expect when I train with you?

Our training will produce results. Is it your goal to lose weight? Become faster? Be healthier? To gain muscle? Here at CrossFit Village Gem we will motivate you to reach your goals. We will give you our utmost professionalism and coaching. We are committed to building a community that involves having fun, building camaraderie, learning new things, working hard, growing together, making new friends, and getting in the best shape of your life. You can expect to feel better and stronger immediately. Most new CrossFitters can expect to improve strength and endurance by about 15 to 20% in the first 15 sessions. In the first couple of weeks expect to train at a slow pace. Expect to be sore, this is normal and proof you are working really hard. You can help by drinking water, getting adequate rest, and eating a balanced diet.

What should I eat if I am going to CrossFit?

CrossFit’s belief is based on the belief that fueling your body with whole foods is the best way to achieve optimal health. You should eat “lean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar in amounts that support exercise-but not body fat”. At CrossFit Village Gem we are here to help you with your nutrition and get you on the right track. We will help you with how much and what you should eat.

What is the lingo?

WOD- Workout of the day- each day there is a different workout posted.
PR- Personal record.
RX- doing the workout as prescribed.
Box-The gym itself.
AMRAP-As Many Rounds As Possible.
Metcon- Metabolic conditioning workout.
EMOM- Every Minute On The Minute.
DUBS- Double Unders.
Burpees– Were not gonna tell you here. It will be a wonderful surprise upon one of your first workouts!